Our Story

Becoming a parent changes your world! A deep love and joy is felt as well as adjusting to being the person who is depended on for your child’s every need. When your child has special needs the love and joy for them doesn’t change, it just makes the journey a little more complicated. There are many fears of the unknown, like ongoing doctor appointments, therapies, health complicationtions, adaptive home requirements, escalating medical bills and much more. These added stressors can often leave parents feeling lonely, wondering what step to take next and if there is anyone in similar shoes who could come alongside them.

In 1 Kings Elijah sought shelter and rest under a broom tree. Far out into the wilderness, he came to a broom tree, and he sat down under the shade of the bush and prayed for his death: “‘I have had enough, LORD,’ he said. ‘Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors’”. Being spiritually, emotionally, and physically exhausted, Elijah quickly fell asleep in the shade of the bush. An angel appeared to Elijah twice, bringing him food and water. God allowed Elijah to rest under THE BROOM TREE, giving the prophet much-needed strength before continuing his journey to Mount Horeb.

We may not be journeying through an actual wilderness, but many parents with special needs children can relate to this story because in our physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion,we desperately want our circumstances to change. The Broom Tree may not be able to change the journey you are on, but we hope we can provide some strength and rest along the way.